Positional Anchor Resource

Positional Anchor Resource

For an overview on Positional Anchors, click here.

For an overview of Resources, click here.

Deep Learning on Resources is found in Motive Academy. Click here to see the course this lesson is in.



Positional Anchors represent a position in the Scene.

You can attach a Positional Anchor to a Screen Message, a sound, a 3D asset, and more. You can also use them with World Proximity Conditions to know if a learner has moved to a certain spot in the VR simulation.

These anchors are customizable as you can create and determine a custom position within the Scene either manually or using the  VR Editor.

Other Types of Anchors

Named Anchor (Catalog Type):  Anchor that exists inside the APK (predetermined) and is not configurable.  Scene Anchors are found here.

Scene Anchor Resource:   The Scene Anchor Resource attaches an anchor to a Scene object. Anchors represent a position in the Scene. This anchor can be used by other Resources, such as the Screen Message and Move User Resources.

Unlike the Positional Anchor Resource, the Scene Anchor Resource simply attaches to a Scene object within the Scene. Its position cannot be configured. 

UI Anchor Resource:  The UI Anchor Resource attaches an anchor to an object in the Scene. Anchors represent a position in the Scene. This anchor should be used by UI Resources, such as Screen Message or Annotation.

Compared to other anchor Resources, this Resource provides additional optional fields that can enhance the learner interaction experience with UI panels.

Required Fields


Field Name


Field Name



Specifies the position of the anchor.

This position can be one of two types: Fixed Position or Relative Position.

The Fixed Position setting allows the author to configure the coordinates of the Positional Anchor, as well as its rotation.

The Relative Position setting allows the author to configure the angle, distance, and elevation of the Positional Anchor, as well as its rotation.

More information on positioning can be found here:

Fixed and Relative Positions


Open and Activate.

Example in the Headset

Creating a Positional Anchor

If you don’t use the VR Editor to create a custom Positional Anchor, you can manually enter in location values. Follow these instructions to create a Positional Anchor.

Adding a Positional Anchor from Catalog to a Script

In the Motive Lab, I want to move the backpack to the cubbies as it is in the way and creating a hazard in the work environment.

  1. First, I’ve created a Positional Anchor by manually entering in values in a new catalog “Custom Anchors”:

  1. In the Setup Frame, I will add the backpack and the Positional Anchor I created:

  1. I’ll add a Screen Message to let the learner know what will happen:

  1. When the Screen Message is closed, the backpack will be moved by utilizing the Move Object Resource with the Positional Anchor added:

Here is what the Frames look like for the above scripting:

You can view this scripting in the headset in this video:

To view this video in full screen on Vimeo, click here.


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