Choose Between Resource

Choose Between Resource

For an overview of Resources, click here.

Deep Learning on Resources is found in Motive Academy. Click here to see the course this lesson is in.



The learner uses their controller to select the right object from the group presented - answers can dictate branching based on scripting.

Required Fields


Field Name


Field Name



Scene Objects that form the group the learner must select from. From this group you can branch out for different outcomes based on the learner’s choice.

Objects - Once you choose “Choices” you will see the “Objects” field. This is where you will choose the Scene Object(s) that have been added to this Script.

Prompts (Optional) - Add an effect or text to draw attention to the item you'd like the learner to.

Event (Optional) - Determine an event or Custom Event to fire along with any other Events that would normally fire. This field is generally used to distinguish between different options for branching.


Open, Activate, Close, Complete.

Example In the Headset

In the Motive Lab, the learner needs to choose the correct face covering from a cart full of PPE.

  1. The first Frame will have all the Scene objects needed for the learner to choose from:

  1. Next, the Choose Between Resource will be added and filled out. The N95 Mask will trigger a Correct Event and any of the other Scene objects will trigger an Incorrect Event:

  1. If an Incorrect item is chosen, the learner sees a Warning Notification:

  1. A Replay resource is used in a child Frame under the Warning Notification to play the Match Objects Resource again:

If the correct item is chosen, the learner will see a Positive Notification:

Here is what the Frames look like for the above scripting:


Here is what the Choose Between Resource would look like in the headset:

View this video in full screen on Vimeo at this link.

Related Articles

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