Launch APK
The Launch APK is an optional service APK containing configurations for the to use such as endpoints and Launch Server credentials. This APK allows for quick app configuration modifications without the need to build and update existing the Motive APK.
If a Launch APK is present on a device when a Motive app is ran, the app will configure itself using the configuration specified in the Launch APK. Otherwise, the Motive app will configure itself according to the AppConfig it contains.
Open the LaunchService project inside Android Studio.
Locate the file
. This service-config by default is populated with endpoints pointing to Motive Cloud Services.
"localizedTitle": {
"text": "US"
"idServer": {
"url": ""
"launchServer": {
"storyflowApp": {
"url": ""
"storyflowApi": {
"url": ""
Configure all fields to appropriate values dependent on your clients' setup
Navigate to Build > Generate Signed Bundle / APK…
2. Choose APK
3. Choose Create new… if going through first time setup, otherwise Choose existing… and re-use the key
The first password field refers to the Keystore’s password. The second field refers to the initial Key’s password.
The fields shown filled out are the necessary fields. Ensure these passwords are logged somewhere secure as you’ll require them during each APK build on either Android Studio, Unity, or through CLI:
Android Studio defaults to creating “keystore” files with extension .jks
, rename this extension to .keystore
. This is necessary as Unity does not recognize .jks
and .keystore
have no differences and operate the same.
4. With the Generate Signed Bundle or APK window now being populated with your new keystore’s values. Select Next.
5. Choose the Build Variant that you desire and select ONLY the V2 (Full APK Signature) checkbox:
6. Signed APK is now built! Use the toast notification to easily navigate to its output location:
If a signed build already exists, the build will not overwrite the previous build. You must manually delete/rename/move the previous build.