App Configuration Options

App Configuration Options

In depth learning on App Configs can be found in this course in Motive Academy.


When you are ready to deploy your training app, It needs to include a configuration that will allow it to connect to the intended content. There are three ways to include configuration information. There are pros and cons for each method that are detailed below.

Direct configuration in the Unity project

You can create a configuration that is dropped into the Unity project directly. When you choose this option, the configuration information is baked-in to the app when you build it. The configuration info can not be changed without re-building app and redeploying the APK.

In direct configuration the credentials are built in to the app.


Pros: Most seamless experience for app distribution

Cons: You can not change where the content is hosted - this specifically applies of you are building content for another party who will eventually want to change the hosting location.

Copy an app config file onto the headset

The second option for app configuration is to copy an app config file (a .json text file) into a specified directory on your headset. This method allows you to change the config information without rebuilding the app in Unity. It requires a direct connection between the computer where the config file is stored and the headset, meaning that the process would have to be repeated for each headset you are updating.

You can load a config file directly onto the headset.

Pros: This method allows you to override any existing app config info and is easy to implement. It is best used when you have one headset that you would like to test with different configs.

Cons: If you have many headsets that you need to update, this method will be time-consuming.

Note that this file will override all other config information that is already present.

Use a Launch APK

The final option for setting app config information is to use a Launch APK. This APK can be distributed using a device management solution, just as you would distribute the training APK. When both the training APK and the Launch APK are on the headset, the training APK will connect with the launch APK and gather the correct config information.

Pros: Easy distribution to all headsets managed by your device management solution.

Cons: Creating Launch APK is less straight forward than the baked-in credentials or the config file.

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