

Setting up the Inventory

  1. Make sure the Inventory GameObject is enabled on the right and left hand under the following XR Toolkit Player > XR Origin > Camera Offset > Hand > Hand Controller > XR Toolkit Based > Wrist Menu > Wrist Menu UI

Works with both Action and Device based:

2: Enable the Wrist Menu:

3. Add the Inventory UI Prefab to XR Toolkit player:

4: Populate Inventory Controller component on the Inventory UI with the buttons as follows:

Seems like the prefab names need to be updated here.

Distance Close Enabled and Close Distance whether the inventory will automatically close when the user travels a certain distance away.


The inventory is toggled by clicking the button found on your wriest when you face your palm


Inventory Items

This component allows items to be stored in the inventory.

Requires the item to be grabbable.

  • Set the grabbable release behaviour to Return if you want it to stay in the inventory once stored and will return when released from grab.

  • Set the Grabbable release behaviour to Leave In Place if you want the object to leave the inventory when grabbed.


Inventory Anchor dictates how the object will sit in the inventory.
Create a new Gameobject as a child of the object and place it how it should it in the inventory. Remember that the blue arrow will point forward (towards the player), the green will point up, and the red will point to the objects right.

For example:

This item will sit in the inventory with the screen facing you with the ear piece at the top.

Start In Inventory will place the object into an open inventory slot when the scenario starts.





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