Motive Scene Object

In depth learning on Project and Environment Setup can be found in this course in Motive Academy.

A Scene Object is an object in a Unity scene that can be targeted by name. A Scene Object may be part of the base scene or deployed via Asset Bundle.

Scene objects are created by adding a “Motive Scene Object” component to any object in the scene. This allows you to target Unity objects by name using Motive.

Most of the fields on this object can be ignored and are set dynamically, but advanced users may choose to override them.

See for base fields.


The name of the Scene Object. This name is used in Storyflow to target this object. Note that many objects can share a name, in which case all objects with this name will be targeted by Storyflow. It can be useful to use Parent/Child relationships to distinguish between Scene Objects with the same name.

Hidden On Start

Hide the object in the Scene when a scenario starts.

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