WebGL Keyboard/Mouse Layout Testing
Make sure you have Unity Version 2020.3.21f1 installed on Unity Hub
Next, clone motive_io / workshop-sandbox — Bitbucket and make sure you check out the Adam-WebGL branch
Afterwards, add the Motive Submodule using SourceTree. Or, clone this motive_io / unity-sdk-private — Bitbucket into the Assets folder of your new Workshop-Sandbox repository. And make sure you check out the Adam-WebGLUpload branch
Next, open your project in Unity Hub
Once the project has opened, open the Workshop Init - WebGL scene
Next, right-click Workshop Scene in your Project window and select Open Scene Additive
Then, right-click Workshop Props in your Project window and select Open Scene Additive
Before you hit play, toggle Maximize On Play to On
To move your character, you can use WASD or the Arrow Keys
To look around, use your mouse
To pick up/drop an object, use Space Bar or Right Click
To use an object, use the Enter key or Left Click
To make your mouse cursor visible, you can use the Tab or Escape Key
You can toggle the mouse cursor invisible again with the same keys
When you hit play, you will need to hit either Tab or Escape to free your cursor for use
From there, you can click through the Controls and Authentication panes
Hitting either of those keys will then toggle the cursor back off
To see the controls in game again, hit the burger menu in the top left corner with your visible cursor
The cursor visibility toggle can behave oddly while the scene is running in Unity; to help it along, you can hit either Tab or Escape while your Left Click in the Game Window