Configuring the LSDK Sample App


The LSDK Sample App can be used to quickly test your Launch integration. First we’ll run the flatscreen sample app directly in the editor. Open the LSDK Sample scene.

Step 1: Create Client Credentials

  1. Navigate to the home screen for your Motive Cloud install (e.g.

  2. Select “Administration”

  3. Choose your Organization Name from the dropdown on the left

  4. Navigate to Client Credentials

  5. Select “Add New”

  6. Give the credentials a name and click “Submit”

Step 2: Create an App Config

  1. Right-click anywhere in your Project and choose Create > Motive > App Config

  2. In the Launch Method drop down menu, select “Launch Server”

  3. Set Motive Cloud Url to

  4. Set the Client Id and Client Secret to the values created for your Client Credentials above

  5. Drag the App Config into the “App Config” field of the Setup node on the LSDK App prefab :

Step 3: Run the App

If the configuration is correct you should see a Launch Input window like this.

This app uses Unity’s new Input System. If you the UI does not respond it may be because your project does not have this installed. In this case you can click the “Add Default Input Modules” on the EventSystem object.

Step 4: Enter a Launch Code

You will need a Launch Module to create a Launch Code. Steps to set up a Launch Module are here.

Creating Launch Codes is covered here.

Step 5: Send Reporting Data

Send any number of Insights Reports here.

Step 6: View Results in Insights

Navigate to Insights > Sessions in Launch Server. You should see your session listed. Click “view” to look at the data for the session.

Step 7. View Results in LMS

If you launched via a SCORM LMS, you should also see your results posted there. Here is an example from SCORM cloud. Note that due to SCORM’s limited reporting features, only the Scenario Results are guaranteed to be captured.

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