Timer Condition

For an overview of Conditions, click here.

Deep Learning on Conditions is found in Motive Academy. Click here to see the course this lesson is in.




A Timer Condition specifies a length of time from a particular start time to begin counting down. It can be as simple as delaying 30 seconds or something more complex like waiting until a specific date and time to begin a countdown.

Required Fields


Field Name


Field Name



Specifies the amount of time that the timer will run for. Once the timer expires, the Condition is met.

Optional Fields

Field Name


Field Name


Negate Result

Specifies if the result is negated.

If the app date time does not fit within the time frame, the Condition is met.


The date for the delay to start counting. If left blank, it will automatically use the day on which the Frame with the Timer Condition is activated.

Time of Day

The time of day for the delay to start counting. If left blank, it will automatically use the day on which the Frame with the Timer Condition is activated.


Check this box if you want the Date and Time indicated in this Condition to be evaluated in UTC time.

Note About Timer Conditions in a Compound Condition

The timer starts as soon as the frame opens. So often times the timer has evaluated to true way before the other Condition is true. Therefore it may not have the effect you expect.

Example in Action

I want the an object - Donnable N95 Mask, to appear 5 seconds after the Scenario starts.

1. Create a Frame with the Spawn Asset Resource and add the asset and anchor in scene

2. Drag the Timer Condition into the Frame and add a 5-second delay:


3. Save

4. Add this script to Director Script (if not done already)


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