Branching Overview

Branching Overview

Branching is dicussed in Motive Academy in this course.


Storyflow’s power is creating simple or complex branching paths in the VR experience for a learner. Branches can happen in several different ways:

  • In Sequence

  • In Parallel

  • Randomized

  • Condition driven 

This flexibility allows for a wide range of training options. This flexibility enables you to author anything from a linear, step-by-step instruction sequence to an open-world simulation.

To begin authoring branching scenarios, it is recommended that you have an understanding of the following topics:

  • Scripts

  • Frames

  • Resources

  • Conditions

Here is a quick refresher on each.

A Script is where an author defines what will happen in a training scenario. A Script is made up of one or more Frames. It provides the order and relationships between the Frames.

Frames are the building blocks of Scripts. Imagine an authored Script as a presentation, and each Frame is a slide. Frames are where you control the specific actions that happen in a Scenario. It could be a message appearing, media playing, item interactions, and assets becoming available through spawning. 

Resources are the items on each slide where you add and configure the content. Screen message, audio, use, and Move Object are a few examples of resources that can be authored. Think of a screen message Resource where you enter text and add an image or an audio Resource where you upload and attach the sound that will be played, how loud it is, and if it loops or not.

You will often want the content to launch in a structured and organized flow. This can be accomplished by using a Condition.  A Condition is a requirement that the script must meet before the next thing can happen. An example might be a screen message that must be closed before the audio instructions play. Closing the screen message is the Condition in this case.


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