In depth learning on Creating and Managing Asset Bundles is found in this course in Motive Academy.
In this video we’ll cover how to manually upload Asset Bundles to Storyflow: learn more about the video playback options, including CCs, Transcripts, Quality, Speed, and Size, click here.
Quick Steps
In Unity
Select a Prefab
Give Prefab a tag
Open Asset Bundler
Select the tag and the build target
Choose folder on computer to be built into - Asset Bundles
Select the new folder
Choose “Build Asset Bundles” (this can take some time depending on the size)
Now if you open the folder on your computer, you can see the Andriod file and within the Asset Bundle.
In Storyflow
Go to “Media” tab at the top of the page
Click “upload”
Upload the Asset Bundle (overwrite if an older version is there)
Go to “Catalogs” at the top of the page
Find the Media Item Catalog (choose any folder here)
Click the + icon to add a new Media Item
Select “Choose Media”
Select your Asset Bundle
Click the house icon at the top left to go back to the main page of the Catalogs
Find the Unity Asset Bundle Catalog (choose any folder here)
Click the + icon to add a new Media Item
Name the new item
Click the + icon to the right of “Default” and choose your Asset Bundle
Click the + icon to the right of “Android” and from the pop out
Choose your Asset Bundle
Click the house icon at the top left to go back to the main page of the Catalogs
Find the Unity Asset Catalog (choose any folder here)
Click the + icon to add a new Media Item
Click the + icon to the right of “Asset Bundle”
Select the Asset Bundle that you just created in the last step
Give it the same exact name as the prefab in the Unity Project
Please Note
When you use this process, the Asset Bundle that is produced and lives in the folder has a lowercase letter to start the file extension. In the case of the video, the extension is ".android".
When you use the Asset Bundler, the file extension has a capital letter (".Android"). Storyflow sees these as different files. If someone uses the manual process, they should either:
Change the file extension to use a capital letter before uploading to Storyflow; or
Make sure to change the asset bundle in the Unity Asset Bundle Catalog folder to use the file with the lower case letter in the extension.