Office Tutorial 4 - Add a Character

Office Tutorial 4 - Add a Character

Training Notes

In this tutorial, we will select a character and use the Spawn Asset resource to add them to our scene.



Your Characters

In this sandbox environment, you have two characters to choose from:

We will be dynamically adding one of these characters to the scene.

Step 1: Create a New Script

  • Create a new script called "Spawn Character":

  • Open the "Spawn Character" script.

Step 2: Rename the First Frame and Add a Positional Anchor

  • With the "Spawn Character" script open, re-name the first frame "Position":

  • Open the catalogs by clicking on the folder icon on the far right:

  • Find the catalog called "Character Positions".

  • Drag "Character at Office Door" to your frame.

Step 3: Spawn Character

  • With the Spawn Character script open, create a new main frame.

  • Re-name it "Spawn Character":

Go to the Resources tab.

  • Find "Spawn Asset".

  • Drag and drop "Spawn Asset" in your frame.

  • Click the "+" beside the "Asset Instance".

  • Click the "+" beside "Asset".  The catalog will open.

  • Choose "Character Assets".

  • Choose either Female_Character_Stacey or Male_Character_Ted.  In this tutorial, we've chosen Stacey.

Finally, you need to set the position of the character. We have created predetermined positional anchors and have added one to this script.

  • Find "Relative Position" in the Position dropdown.

You will see space to enter coordinates of a relative position, but there is also a field for "Anchor Object".

  • Under Anchor Object dropdown, choose "Character at office door".

  • Save the script (don’t test yet).

As you've learned, we must add this Spawn Character script to the Director Script in order for it to run.

  • Open the Director Script.

  • Add a new top-level frame.

  • Re-name the frame "Spawn Character".

  • Drag the Spawn Character script into the frame.

  • STOPSave and Test in the headset. You will now see the character standing at the door.

In the Headset

This is what your scenario will look like so far:

Training Notes

Key Takeaways from Tutorial 4

  • When spawning an asset, you need to set the position of the character.  This can be done via a positional anchor that you've added to your catalog or you will see space to enter coordinates of a relative position.


Next Up: Office Tutorial 5 - Character Dialog