In depth learning on Attachable Basics can be found in this course in Motive Academy.

Attachables and Attach Receivers allow you to configure objects that can attach to each other in a scene.

VR Attachable

Attachables attach to Attach Receivers. Attachables and Attach Receivers define requirements that must be met in order to successfully attach.

Attachables can be in the following states:

State Name



Object is currently attached to another object.


The object is attached, but can be detached. Note that objects only enter this state if “requires detach action” or “requires attach action” is true.


Object is not attached.


Object is detached, but being held and currently “seeking” an attach receiver.

Component Settings



Attached Grab Settings

Attachables override the settings of the VR Grabbable. These are the VR Grabbable settings in the Attached state (see VR Grabbable.)

Detached Grab Settings

VR Grabbable settings in the Detached state.

Show When Attached | Detached | Detachable | Seeking

Objects to show as the attachable moves through various states.


Colliders to use for attach detection. Uses object colliders by default.

Attached To

If set, defines the object that this object is initially attached to. This object by default meets the attach requirements: this object can always attach back to the initial “Attached To” object.


Can set to override the Grabbable.

Initial State

Auto - Determine the initial state automatically

Attached - Initialize in the “attached” state

Detachable - Initialize in the “detachable” state

Detached - Initialize in the “detached” state

Requires Detach Action

If true, this attachable requires an explicit call to SetDetachable() to move from the “attached” to the “detachable” state.

Requires Attach Action

If true, this attachable requires an explicit call to SetAttachable() to move from the “detachable” state to the “attached” state.

Show Target Guide

If true, show a highlight copy of the object on the target. This feedback is helpful to indicate that an attachable can be attached.

Guide Meshes

Override the default mesh when defining the target guide. This is useful if only some parts of the attachable should show up as the guide.

Attaches To

Defines the attach requirements for Attach Receivers that this object can attach to.

Receiver: If set, explicitly define a Receiver that can receive this Attachable.

Type: If set, need to match the “Type” specified by the Receiver to attach.

Attach Point: Optionally override the position on the attachable that joins to Receivers that match this record.


If set, use the specified Joint for attaching. Otherwise attach the object as a child of the Attach Receiver. (See Joints).




On Attach

Object has entered Attached state.

On Seeking

Object has entered Seeking state.

On Detach

Object has entered Detached state.

On Detachable

Object has entered Detachable state.

VR Attachable Receiver




Attach to Surface

If true, Attachables attach to the surface of the receiver instead of at a specific point.


Defines a set of requirements for an Attachable to be received by this Receiver. If an Attachable meets any of these requirements, it can attach.

Attachable: If set, explicitly defines an Attachable that can attach to this Receiver.

Type: If set, needs to match the “Type” specified by any Attachable attempting to attach to this receiver.

Anchor: Defines the anchor that an Attachable will attach to.

Max Attachments: The maximum number of Attachables that can attach to this Receiver.




On Attached

Attachable has attached to this Receiver.

On Detached

Attachable has detached from this Receiver.

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