Deep learning on Launch is found in our Launch Essentials course in Motive Academy. |
The examples in this article were created for a fictional company, Lakeview Inc.
The images in this article were taken using the Legacy version of Launch. As of January, 2024 there is a new version of Launch. To toggle between the two of them, click on your initials at the top right of the page and choose “Enable Legacy View” to move back to the Legacy view. If you are viewing the new version of Launch and your Insights are not visible, please contact us at |
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Once your content is created in Storyflow, you can use Launch to determine who gets the content, how they get it, and the format it is delivered in. Launch provides VR content management functionality for you to seamlessly roll out your immersive training.
Generally, Launch is used to:
Create content bundles and configurations from Storyflow and control how that content is deployed;
Manage learner profiles;
View session data from training sessions; and
Manage devices.Â
Only individuals with the Launch Organization Admin permission or the Launch Organization Member permission can view and edit Launch |
There are permissions specific to Launch and you can learn about them, and grant them, using this article.
In order for you to access Launch, there are 3 things required:
1. Your Organization must have at least one Launch Space:
As a company, you have one instance of Launch. Within that instance, you can have several Organizations (though this may not be typical) and within each Organization, you can have distinct Spaces – we call them “Launch Spaces”. Organizations could represent different business units, training teams, or departments in a company. Many companies will only have one Organization.
A Launch Space is created by an individual with the Launch Organization Admin permission. We have step by step instructions in the Admin Essentials Pathway in Motive Academy or you can refer to these steps.
2. You must have either the Launch Organization Admin or Member Permission:
An Admin at your company with the Identity Organization Admin Permission must assign you one of the Launch permissions. Your Admin can refer to the step by step instructions in the Admin Essentials Pathway in Motive Academy or these instructions.
3. You must be added as a Collaborator to the Launch Space you wish to access:
As mentioned above in the first item, you must have at least one Launch Space, though your Organization can have more than one. After receiving the Organizational level permission, an individual with the Launch Organization Admin permission must assign you as a Collaborator to the space. Your Admin can refer to the step by step instructions in the Admin Essentials Pathway in Motive Academy or these instructions..
Once you have all three of the above, you can log into Launch!
Log into Motive at
Click on “Launch”:
If you do not see the screen above, as you are already in the Motive Platform, click on your initials in the top right corner and go to Hub |
Once you are in the Launch on the left hand side of the screen, you will find any Launch Spaces that have been created. When you click the arrow to the right of the space:
Then the menu for that space will open up:
If you do NOT see a Launch Space, like this example:
then an individual with the Launch Organization Admin Permission at your Organization needs to first create a Launch Space.
We have instructions on creating a Launch Space here, and this is part of the Admin Essentials Pathway in Motive Academy.
Using Launch you can deliver your VR training. Click here to learn more.
A. View As Launcher: As a Motive user, you can be added as a learner to any content through Launch. Therefore, you can complete your own assigned training, or, you can use this area to test launching training (to yourself as the test).
B. Organization: This is the dropdown that allows you to view the Launch Space for this Organization.
C. Launch Space
D. Home: This area provides a dashboard of your Launch area. For more info, click here.
Space Details: You can set up one or several Organizations in Launch. If your company has different departments that you want to separate, you can create more than one organization to which you can assign people with certain permissions.
Training Overview: Quickly see the number of learners in the space and how many sessions have been completed. Use the View Sessions/Learners link to jump to that area of Launch.
Collaborators: Individuals who have created the training or have permission to do so. Learners are not listed here – you can find them in the Learners section.
E. Modules: In this area you can see and create modules from uploaded Storyflow content. You will then use these Modules to distribute training to learners. For more info, click here.
F. Content: Content from Storyflow can be uploaded here and must be done before you can create a Module. For more info, click here.
G. Launchers: Launchers allow learners to connect to the learning. With a [Module] created, you can create a Launcher. A Launcher connects the [Module] to a 5 digit launch code. When the launch code is used to launch the training module in the headset, the data collected is connected to the learner specified in the Launcher. Note that you would only use this feature if you were NOT connecting to an LMS.
For more info, click here.
H. LRS Credentials: If you have an external LRS service that you would like to use, you can set up your LRS credentials by navigating to this area. Choose Create Credentials and complete the fields. The information will be available through your LRS service. For more info, click here.
I. Insights Overview: See a quick glance of active learners and modules.
J. Insights Modules: Breakdown of learning sessions by Module. Click on the Module name to see more detailed information about the session.
K. Insights Learners: Breakdown of learning sessions by Learner. Click on the Learner’s name to see more detailed information about their training sessions.
L: Insights Sessions: A chronological list of every Launch session. Click on the Session to see detailed information about the learner’s session.
M. Collaborators: While a list of Collaborators can be seen by both Admin and Members in the Home area, the Collaborators area can only been seen with the permission Launch Organization Admin. This is where an admin will view and manage collaborators in the space. For more info, click here.
N. Applications: This feature works in conjunction with Launch Pad allows you to set up a configuration that will give you a code to launch a whole app from Launch Pad. You can find more information on this topic in the following articles: Using Launch Pad to Launch Apps and Configuring a Launch Module for LSDK.
O. WebGL: If you have a WebGL version of your training app (training done in browser) it can be configured here. Then you can associate it with a Module. Speak to Motive staff if you have further questions on this topic. For more info, click here.
P. Learners: In this area you can view learners and drill down to see their training sessions and device logs. For more info, click here.
Q. Learner Groups: A group of learners that can be quickly added to other areas of the Motive Platform, instead of adding learners all individually. For more info, click here.
R. Devices: VR Headsets (Devices) are provisioned within Launch. For a given device you can see the errors, warnings, and debug statements as training is in session. Click on the View Details button next to the device name. This is very helpful information to send Motive staff when a support ticket is created to assist with resolving issues on the developer side. For more information, click here.
Admin: In this area, Admins can see and edit Launch Spaces. For more information, click here.
The majority of the features in this area are for distributing, understanding, and managing VR training. Therefore, please refer to the Launch Essentials Pathway in Motive Academy for further information. |