For an overview of Resources, click here. |
Storyflow has 4 different kinds of assessment items that you can use to track training results. As the author, you decide what the criteria for these various outcomes are. You will find these under the Resources tab:
The Completion Assessment tracks complete/incomplete.
The Completion Assessment will dynamically update as the learner proceeds through the scenario. This is accomplished by creating an assessment item that has a variable representing the value, then change the value after certain events occur.
If so, you must use a User Report resource in conjunction with this resource. See an example of scripting this at the bottom of this article.
If you are using an LMS to track training result, many of them require a Scenario Result resource be added to the scenario to indicate that the scenario is complete. Scenario result tracks whether the entire scenario was completed and whether the learner was successful (criteria for completion and success are determined by you). We have not added a Scenario Result to this assessment script, but be sure to ask Motive Support about it if you are using an LMS or are interested in learning more about assessments.
Field Name | Description |
Outcome | For this type of resource there are two possible results - Complete or Incomplete. |
Field Name | Description |
Title | Title of the Assessment Item. Each Assessment Item typically represents a task the learner will complete. When a User Report is used in conjunction with this then each Assessment Item title will be a line item with the corresponding result. While the title field is not required, it is highly suggested. The User Report will have no context without them: Example with Titles: ![]() Example without Titles: ![]() |
Description | Descriptive information about the Assessment. |
Feedback | This is generally used to give the learner more context for their result. |
In the Motive Lab, we’ll look at a very simple example of using the Completion Resource. We are going to track when each task the learner is assigned is complete.
Open the script (typically this is a stand alone “Assessment” script)
In a frame I’ve titled “Assessment Items”, drag and drop in Completion Resources for each task you want the learner to complete. I’m going to add three.
Now I will add titles to each resource that correspond to the names of the three tasks the learner has to complete:
Put on PPE
Clean up tools
Put away paint supplies
Clean up spill
Optionally, you can add text to the “feedback” section. This is generally used to give the learner more context for their score/result.
Now I will create a Completion Variable for each.
Click the atomic symbol beside the “Result” field in each assessment item
Click the + icon next to the dropdown
This will create three dynamic variables for the four items.
Name the dynamic variables and click the checkmark to save the name:
Now I need to Initialize each Variable to “Incomplete”. At the beginning of the scenario, all of these tasks are incomplete. As the learner progresses, they will change to complete.
In the Variable column, I’ll set each to “Incomplete”:
Now I need to create frames where I will set the completion result to true.
I’ll create three top level frames named after each task:
In the “Put on Nitrile Gloves Complete” frame, I’ll add the Event that fires when the learner has donned the gloves into the Conditions field (note, this event is created in the script that has the tasks the learner is complete. It is a different script than the one we are working in):
Now I’ll do the same with the Goggles and Lab Coat frames
Next, I will add the variables to the frames so that we can change the value from Incomplete to Complete
I’ll open the “Put on Nitrile Gloves Complete” frame and drag and drop the variable I created above into the Variables frame
I’ll choose the “Complete” value from the dropdown:
Now I’ll do the same in the other two frames
Until now, none of the authoring you have done in the script creates anything the learner can see. The results tracked so far would get reported back to your LMS or Motive’s Launch service. If you want the learner to be able to see the results in the headset, you need to create a User Report.
Create a new top-level frame in the Assessment Script called “Report” by using + icon
Drag and drop a Screen Message Resource (Playable) into the Resources pane of the frame to indicate that the scenario is complete (rather than just jumping right into the results)
Add title - Scenario Complete
Add text - “Great work! You have completed donning the PPE. Click OK to see how you did.”
In this example, I have also added a checkered flag icon to the image section:
Now I’ll create a new child frame that opens when this Screen Message closes
Drag and drop a User Report resource into the Resources pane of the new frame
Under “Report Items” I will add the three tasks that I want the learner to complete:
Good to know: If you are using an LMS to track training result, many of them require a Scenario Result resource be added to the scenario to indicate that the scenario is complete. Scenario result tracks whether the entire scenario was completed and whether the learner was successful (criteria for completion and success are determined by you). We have not added a Scenario Result to this assessment script, but be sure to ask Motive Support about it if you are using an LMS or are interested in learning more about assessments. |
This is how the frames look for the above scripting:
In the headset, once the learner has completed the tasks, they will see the message first:
Then they will see the report showing the Completion Resources: