
The Motive Lightweight SDK (LSDK) for Unity allows developers to connect to the Motive system with just a few lines of code.


Installation and Configuration

Step 1: Install Unitypackage

Drag and drop Motive LSDK.unitypackage into any Unity project. LSDK uses the TinCan library to handle XAPI messaging. TinCan requires Newtonsoft.JSON. If this is not already installed in your project, you can install it by installing com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json@2.0.0 as a git package in Package Manager.


Note that the actual reporting mechanism can be replaced. Use TinCanXAPIReporter as a guide for managing your own implementation. Note however that a custom implementation may not be able to take advantage of Insights reporting, SCORM integration, or SSO.

Note that the actual reporting mechanism can be replaced. Use TinCanXAPIReporter as a guide for managing your own implementation. Note however that a custom implementation may not be able to take advantage of Insights reporting, SCORM integration, or SSO.

Step 2: Drag & Drop Prefabs

You will need to add 2 prefabs to your scene to connect to Motive Cloud:

Step 3: Start Sending Insights

The LsdkDemoApp class demonstrates how to use LSDK to send Insights that can be captured by Launch Server and reported back to your LMS. There are two sample Scenes: LSDK Sample is a flatscreen implementation, LSDK Sample VR uses Unity XR Interaction Toolkit for testing on headset. Configuring these apps is discussed below. A walkthrough of the code in the sample app can be found here Lightweight SDK Sample App Walkthrough

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Learn more about Launch Server

Configuring a Launch Module for LSDK

Configuring the LSDK Sample App

Video Walkthrough - Setup Lightweight SDK VR Sample with Launch Server and Launch Pad