For detailed instruction and learning, complete the Launch Essentials course in Motive Academy.

In this lesson, we’ll discuss a typical workflow you will follow when delivering training without an LMS (an example is a Pilot Project):


Quick Steps

Full Details on these steps are available by taking the Launch Essentials course in Motive Academy.

Publish the Scenario with a Completion Resource into a Bundle

Permission Required: Storyflow Organization Member or Admin

  1. Add a Completion Resource to the Scenario

  2. Publish the Scenario. By default it is “Draft”. Click on it to open it and change the Status and save

Deploy the Bundle

Permission Required: Storyflow Organization Member or Admin

  1. Go to the Bundles Tab

  2. Give your Bundle a name that clearly identifies it

  3. Click Publish. You will then see it listed

  4. Choose Deploy. This automatically sends the Bundle to Launch for us as Content

Create Module from Bundle

Permission Required: Launch Organization Member or Admin

  1. Open Launch

  2. Go to Modules. Here we will create a module from the Content we just created.

  3. Select Create Module

  4. Give the Module a title

  5. Optional: add a Description

  6. Optional: add an image – the learner will see this in their learner view

  7. Under Content, Choose the bundle you just uploaded by clicking on the dropdown arrow and choosing it from the list

  8. Choose the specific scenarios to be included in this Module

  9. Under LRS communication method – leave the default “Communicate with an LRS via Launch”

  10. Click Create

Review and Add Learners

Permission Required: Launch Organization Member or Admin

  1. Click Add

18: Under the Add Existing Users tab, you can see learners that have been previously added to your Organization. You can add a learner to the course by selecting their name and then using the “Add” button

If the learner doesn’t already exist however, they need to be added. If I click on the “Create New Users” tab, you can see that I don’t have permissions to access it as I don’t have the Identity Organization Admin Permission:

This is what you would see if you have the Identity Organization Admin Permission:

  1. Fill out the fields to add a new learner

You can alternatively add learners in bulk in the Manage Organization area.

Add the Learner to the Module

Permission Required: Launch Organization Member or Admin

  1. Open Modules

  2. Click the Manage Learner Access for the Module

  3. Click Add

  4. Choose the Learner from the list

  5. Click Add

You are also able to add Learner Groups.

Provision Devices

Permission Required: Launch Organization Member or Admin

Note: This step can be done anytime after Step 1 but must be done before the learner can launch training

In order to provision the devices, you or another individual must have physical access to all the headsets. There are a few types of scenarios that could happen here:


First, let’s look at a Learning Manager that has physical access to all the headsets.

  1. Open Launch

  2. On the left hand side go to Devices

  3. Then click on Provision New Device

  4. Note there is a User Code field – you’ll fill it out in a moment

  5. Put on your headset and open the APK

  6. You’ll see the screen for Device Authentication

  7. Click Connect:


  1. You’ll see the Authentication Number – you’ll need this in a moment

  2. Open Launch on your computer

  3. Enter the Authentication Number in the User Code field:


It’s highly suggested that you re-name the device with a more descriptive title. Otherwise, you’ll have to associate the device with the serial number.

  1. Click Submit

  2. Refresh to see the new device added:

Back in the headset after you’ve completed the Device Authentication, the next screen will be the Launch Experience:


The next time this headset it logged into and the APK launched, it will go straight to the Launch Code screen. You only need to provision this particular device the one time.


If we look at our example again where the Learning Manager does not have physical access to the devices, then you would follow these steps:


You need to complete all of these steps together in one session. If the individual logs out of the headset, before you provision the device, then the next time they go to log in you would have to do this again.

Learner Generates Launcher

These steps are completed by the learner.

37. Log into email and see the email to confirm Motive email

  1. Set the password and log in

  2. Open Launch

  3. Open the Session to be completed

  4. Click Launch Session at the top right of the page

Learner Completes the Training

These steps are completed by the learner.

  1. Put on headset

  2. Log into APK

  3. Enter the 6 digit Launcher into the screen in the headset

  4. Complete the training

  5. Quit

All other Learners would also complete these steps individually and complete their training in the VR headset.

View the Session Data

Permission Required: Launch Organization Member or Admin

  1. Open Launch

  2. Go to Sessions and see data

Related Articles

Launch: An Overview

Deliver Training: Author Workflow with an LMS (no SSO)

Deliver Training: Author Workflow with an LMS (with SSO)