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The Admin area allows you to manage and create Spaces in Launch.
Within this area you can:
Add a new Space to the Launch;
Edit the name of an existing Space;
Add Collaborators with a Member or Admin permission; and
Manage the permissions of Collaborators.
In order to view and edit the Admin area of the Launch, you must have the Launch Organization Admin Permission.
In this example, Ingrid has the Launch Organization Member Permission, and therefore cannot see the Admin area of Launch:
Whereas Manny, who has the Launch Organization Admin Permission, can see the Admin area:
1. Name of Organization
2. Name of Launch Space
3. Click “+” to add a new Launch Space for this Organization
4. Delete this Launch Space
5. Click on the bar for the Launch Space to see more options
Options within a Launch Space
6. Change the Title (name) of the Launch Space
7. Add a Collaborator from users that have been added to the Manage Organization area of Hub, and who have either the Identity Organization Admin permission or the Identity Organization Member permission
8. Search for a specific Collaborator
9. Assign a Launch Space Permission from the dropdown (Admin or Member)
10. Remove a Collaborator from this Launch Space