Follow these instructions to prepare a Launch Module for LSDK. This can be used to create a static Launch Code or for export into SCORM or XAPI format for upload to an LMS.
1. Create an Application
Navigate to the Applications tab in Launch
Choose “Create Application”
Give the Application a Title
For Android VR builds, select “Add Platform”
Fill in the bundle identifier of the application
Click “Create”
2. Create a Module
Navigate to the Modules tab in Launch
Select “Create Module”
Fill out each section. In particular:
For “Content” choose “None”
For “Application” choose the Application created above
For “LRS Credentials” choose “Communicate with LRS via Launch” (<- note that this setting is required regardless of whether the XAPI data is forwarded to an LRS so that Launch can capture the XAPI data for Insights and SCORM.)
Click “Create”
3. Create a Launcher or Export to LMS
You can now export your Module to your SCORM or XAPI LMS as described here Modules or you can create a static Launch Code Launchers to launch your content and start collecting data.