If you want to be more prescriptive with what you would like the user to say, or if you want to offer guidance after a few failed attempts, the Screen Dialog resource comes in very handy. A Screen Dialog resource presents text options that the user can select or (if you use intents or keyphrases) say to progress.
In this example, the user is practicing a difficult conversation where we have just informed an employee that he is being let go. We will present the user with choices of what they would like to say next. Once will elicit an angry response and the other will continue the conversation.
Drag a Screen Dialog resource into the resources area of the frame
Add a title and some guiding text
Click the '+' beside the “options” field twice to create two options
Add the text to the options
Select “Keyphrase Recognizer” from the localizedRecognizer field (note: you can also use intents here)
Select the keyphrase that matches the text in the option.
Here is the completed resource:
Click the '+' beside the two events to create two branches for the two different responses
In response to the empathic choice (“I know this must be a lot to take in, do you have any questions?”) the Character will say “I don’t know, I’m just so shocked, what did I do to deserve this?”
In response to the less empathic response (going straight to the legal procedure instead of taking time) the Character will say “I am so angry right now, how could you do this to me?”