
Audio resources are sound files to play in the experience - can be background noise, voiceover, sound effects, etc.

Required Fields


Field Name



The Sound File.

Optional Fields

Field Name



Set an anchor if you want to attach the sound to an object to make it seem like the sound is coming from the area specified.


Check if you want the sound to repeat.


0 to 1, 1 is the default.


Adjust the pitch of the sound file.


Specify the track for the audio file to indicate its priority.

  • Ambient: Other sounds will play over sounds on the ambient track

  • Narrator: Sounds will stack and play one at a time in the Narrator track.

  • Soundtrack: Crossfade between items/Go back to item 1 when item 2 finishes or is removed.

  • Dialog: Like Narrator except on a character. It queues on the character.


Set delay or time of day settings.


The order of the sounds.

  • Normal: Normal order.

  • High: Next in the queue behind the item that needs to finish.

  • Filler: Will play item if nothing has been played in a while, otherwise, doesn't play at all.

  • Interrupt: Stops what is currently playing and plays immediately.  


Open, Activate (can be active and not open if it is in line in a narrator track, for instance), Close (unless on loop), Complete (unless on loop).


View this video full screen on Vimeo at this link.

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