
If you use an End Script Resource in the same script as this resource, the Set Object Properties resource will close. For example, if you set an object up to be invisible and then there is an End Script Resource in the same script, the object will become visible again as soon as the frame with the End Script Resource fires. An alternative to using the End Script Resource is to create a custom event marking the end of the script and then use that event as a condition where needed in other scripts.


Here are a few different ways you can use this resource.

In the workshop scenario, I want to make the safety hat invisible to the learner and I want a green light to emit from the light fixture.   

  • Create a new script, or use an existing script.  I've created a separate script to keep things organized.

  • Add the scene objects that you will be customizing.  I've added a new frame for Scene Objects and then added the safety hat and the light:


  • Next, I created a new frame for the object properties.  Add the Set Object Properties Resource.  For the Safety Hat, I set the World Object as the World Object as the hat and chose the Visibility optionthe Visibility option.  Then, I left the Visibility box unchecked (this means invisible).  


  • For the light asset, I set the World Object as the World Object as the lights, chose Light Properties from chose Light Properties from the Properties list, and then determined my light properties:


  • After saving and testing in the headset, this was the result:


Another example is make items the learner is wearing invisible.

PPE items such as the safety vest behave differently in the scenario based on a learner’s height or stature. You may find that after donning the vest or other item that it obstructs your view of tasks in the scene. You do have the ability to make these PPE items invisible after putting them on.

  • Add the Set Object Properties Resource and fill it out:


  • Here is the before and after:
