
All scenarios typically start with a Director Script. This is the script that will be launched when the scenario begins in VR. Click here to learn more about Director Scripts.

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There are two common ways:

Within the Scenarios tab, choose Add New Script:


Or, anywhere in Storyflow, you can click on the Scripts icon on the far right.  From there choose the Script heading and then Add New Script.



To change the name of the script, simply click on the name and make your change.  To change other elements of the script just choose the option you want to change and make a different selection or deletion.


As your scenario runs, the scripts will play unless you've specified conditions that would cause one script to run before the next.  This action is called end script or close script.  For example, when a learner enters my scenario I want them to see a Welcome Message on the wall.  Once they've read it and clicked "close", then a video plays.  If I don't end the script for the Welcome Message then BOTH will play simultaneously and the learner will see a Welcome Message at the same time that a video starts playing.  We handle this situation with Conditions.


Therefore, it's suggested that you always end a script before moving to the next.  That way if you need to add any conditions, it is much easier than going backward.  
