Versioning secures APKs from being downgraded or overridden.
Motive APKs
Under Project Settings → Player → Other Settings → Identification
Use 0.x.x for pre-release builds
Releases to clients move up by minor number (i.e. 0.1.0 → 0.2.0)
Releases between client builds move up by build number (i.e. 0.1.0 → 0.1.1)
Use 1+.x.x for release+ builds
For Android builds, make sure to set the Bundle Version Code. This needs to increment with every release. Utilize the following pattern: Take the Version (xx.yy.zz) and construct a Bundle Version Code (xxyyzz) with this. E.g.:
0.1(.0) = (00 01 00) = 100
0.1.2 = (00 01 02) = 102
1.0.0 = (01 00 00) = 10000
11.24.7 = (11 24 07) = 112407
Launch APKs
Under the file LaunchService\app\build.gradle
Takes in positive integers. Every time versionName is updated, increment versionCode by 1.
Use “1+.x” notation.
If updated (either minor or major version), increment versionCode by 1.